Why give?

Helping Us Help Others

During my first bout with cancer one of the oncology nurses said, “When you get through this, you must live out the remaining years of your life by giving back to others. Because when God gives second chances, He expects you to pass along the very Grace and Love He bestowed upon you.”

Despite having two stubborn tumors left in this third fight with cancer (God has given me three chances!), I am trying to live out that nurse’s mandate given to me back in 2014.

And I need your financial support in helping Americans who aspire to serve our country find their calling in public, national, military and other federal services to contribute to the public good.

On October 8, 2021, with the support of dedicated and hard-working volunteers, I obtained an educational 501(c)(3) non-profit exemption from the IRS for my community program: Federal Career Connection, Inc.

The reasons for starting my non-for-profit were to:

CONNECT job seekers to a wide variety of federal and professional workforce experts who want to share their practical career advice, resume tips, and other job search lessons.

PRESENT career advice and know-how from outside collective and unbiased sources so that job seekers can make better informed career decisions.

EDUCATE job seekers on how service and civic engagement together improves the health, security, and well-being of our nation.

My hope is that Federal Career Connection, Inc. will continue to serve as a valuable resource for job seekers who aspire to serve in public, national, military, and other federal services, even if I am no longer around due to my fight against cancer.

And I need your help to ensure that this organization continues its mission.

Your financial gift will directly support our efforts in providing free educational special events and online resources to equip those seeking public, national, or military careers with the latest industry related resources.

Our Skillset For Your profit


Connect job seekers to an array of federal and professional workforce experts to share practical career advice, resume tips, and other job search lessons.


Present career advice and know-how from outside collective and unbiased sources so that job seekers can make better informed career decisions.


Educate job seekers on how service and civic engagement together improves the health, security, and well-being of our nation.

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