By Alex Harrington

Earlier this month I a rare animated form, I must add...a webinar titled, “Navigating the Federal Hiring Landscape (Part 2),” which presented a handful of techniques to improve the federal job search experience for individuals looking at a potential career in public service. 

During the webinar, I underscored the importance of keeping a pulse on the federal workforce…almost akin to keeping an eye on your home budget, or better yet, on your weight (ya, I went there!). And I provided a list of my favorite ‘go-to’ sites when it comes to getting the latest news on the federal workforce, learning about new Administration policies affecting the civil service system, keeping aware of employee-related benefits and opportunities, et cetera.

And the key benefit of keeping a pulse on federal workforce matters is staying connected with the experts who write about general hiring in the federal government, special hiring placements, work climate (i.e., Best Places to Work in the Federal Government), leadership, and human resource laws and regulations, to just name a few. Because they are the ones who maintain key contacts with government officials, human resources, and hiring managers. 

So, let's get to the good stuff below!

These are my favorite recommended online resources that will help you keep a pulse on federal workforce matters:

Media Sites This site is a free source of information impacting the federal community and those interested in the federal government’s activities. You can find human resource information under their “HR” link.

Federal News Network. Federal News Network provides the latest breaking news, information, and analysis for the people who support the missions of federal agencies.  You can find employee-related information under their “Workforce” link.

Government Executive. Government Executive is the government's business news daily and the premier digital destination for senior leaders in the federal government's departments and agencies. Check out federal personnel issues under “Workforce.

Federal Times. Both Federal Times and provides news and information on the rapid changes impacting today's federal managers. This is a good resource for those who aspired to become leaders in public service. 

FED Week. This publication was founded by a Vietnam veteran and has a team of experts and writers who keep their ears to the ground to help federal and military employees, including retirees. 

Federal Soup. A paid subscription online resource that provides in-depth workforce topics, federal employee news, interactive forums, plus opinion and advice from benefits experts. FedSoup also publishes weekly issues of Federal Employees News Digest, benefits guides, and the annual Federal Employees Almanac. 


Career Matters. This blog, published under Federal Times, is one of my favorites. Authored by Lily Whiteman, a federal hiring manager, supervisor, and federal communications manager, provides a practical, down-to-earth type of career advice. A must-read!


Best Places To Work in the Federal Government. One of the best resources online that gives you keen insight into a federal agency. The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® offers the most comprehensive assessment of how federal public servants view their jobs and workplaces. The rankings, produced by the Partnership and Boston Consulting Group, provide employee perspectives on leadership, pay, innovation, work-life balance, and a range of other issues.


Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). The MSPB is an independent, quasi-judicial agency in the Executive branch that serves as the guardian of Federal merit systems. You can find reports, appeals, and other information about the federal personnel system. 

There you have it! Some of my favorite online resources that will help you keep a pulse on the federal workforce. 

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Check out my webinar’s further reading and resources. Please follow us on Twitter @FedCareer and join our Federal Career Connection LinkedIn Group or find us on Meetup at To get updates on upcoming workshops and career coaching sessions, visit

Alex Harrington

Author: Alex Harrington is currently a federal civil servant and a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) and Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF). He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and is a Persian Gulf War veteran, and is currently fighting Stage IV Melanoma Cancer.

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